The Board of Matang takes continuous steps to introduce and adopt refined policies and procedures and as well setting up the Group’s processes and systems in order to comply with the ACE Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and towards adhering to the principles and recommendations on corporate governance as set out in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2017.
The Board places significant emphasis in ensuring that the standards of corporate governance practices are practically implemented throughout the Group as essential part of discharging its responsibilities to safeguard and enhance shareholders’ interest and value and the financial performance of the Group.
The Board has the overall responsibilities for the strategic aims and corporate governance of the Company including providing overall strategic guidance and effective oversight of the management of the Group.

The main function of our Audit and Risk Management Committee is to assist our Board in fulfilling its responsibility to oversee our Group’s accounting and financial reporting matters. The terms of reference of our Audit and Risk Management Committee include, amongst others, the following:
- To review the engagement, compensation, performance, qualifications and independence of our external auditors, its conduct of the annual statutory audit of our financial statements, and the engagement of external auditors for all other services;
- To review and approve our quarterly and annual financial statements for recommendation to our Board, focusing in particular on any changes in or implementation of major accounting policies and practices, significant and unusual events, significant adjustments arising from the audit, going concern assumption and compliance with accounting standards and other regulatory or legal requirements;
- To review any related party transactions entered into by our Group and any conflict of interest situations that may arise within our Group; and
- To perform such other functions as may be requested by our Board.
The terms of reference of our Nomination and Remuneration Committee include the following:-
- The development and implementation of the policies on nomination and appointment of Directors, Committee members and Chief Officers in Matang Group, to achieve long-term sustainability. The NRC also assist the Board in the conduct of their annual effective evaluation; and
- The development and implementation of the framework and policies on the remuneration of Directors and Chief Officers of Matang Group, to ensure the same are fair and implemented through a transparent and independent process.

The Board of Matang is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the standards of business ethics and complying with the laws, rules and regulations. The Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Directors and employees of the Group (“Code “) sets out the guiding principles that provide guidance on the standards of behaviour expected of all directors and employees of the Company and Group.
Matang is committed to promoting and maintaining a high ethical standard of transparency and work ethics in the conduct of its business functions and activities. In line with that, the Board and the management of Matang envisage to maintain a workplace which practises and encourages good corporate governance and upholds integrity in all its operational activities and business dealings.
In that regards, the Board views whistle-blowing being one of the important platforms to help employees and stakeholders of Matang group of companies to report genuine concerns about any wrongdoings that they may have observed in Matang.

Matang has established and adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of bribery and corruption. The Company is committed to conducting business ethically, transparently and strives to comply with all applicable bribery and corruption laws and regulations, including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and the Penal Code Malaysia.